Provided you in the military and are on TDY, you are entitled to lodging Per Diem reimbursement up to the daily rate (currently $99.00 per night) of the on-base quarters no matter where you actually stay (even when on-base lodging is available). You only need to provide a valid receipt for the voucher you created in DTS or your paper orders. We provide you with this detailed receipt.

As an added bonus, we charge less than the Per Diem rate as on-base lodging ($98.50), resulting in no cost to you, and your squadron can save money!

If you are a military member, we GUARANTEE your stay will be at no cost to you. If your reimbursement in DTS is not approved, your stay will be FREE!

If you are a business traveller, or travel nurse we charge $110.00 per night.

Travel rules and rights for Air Force travelers are governed by the Joint Travel Regulation (JTR). Table 2-14 on Page 2-32 outlines the use of Government Quarters while on temporary duty (TDY). Line 6 specifically states: if “adequate Government Quarters are available on the U.S. installation to which a service member is assigned TDY, but the Service member chooses to use other lodgings; then the Service member is limited to the reimbursement cost of Government Quarters on the assigned TDY installation.”

This means if you decline to stay on base, regardless of the availability of lodging on base, you will be reimbursed up to the government on-base lodging rate. This means you do NOT need a non-A slip to stay off base!

Furthermore, as an additional service to our guests, if you for some reason need to take leave while on TDY, or the length of your TDY changes, we will work with you to ensure your stay remains at no cost out of pocket to you, no matter what!

When creating your travel authorization in DTS; once you get to the “Lodging Step 1 of 3: Select Your Lodging” page on DTS, select the “Skip this lodging booking” option located on the top right of the page. Then continue with the remainder of the DTS authorization. Before submitting the authorization, DTS will perform a Pre-Audit. On the Pre-Audit page, “Lodging Not Used” will flag. It will ask for a reason code for not booking lodging through DTS. For the reason code you may select both “L3 - Lower Rate Available” and “L4 Personal Choice/Limited reimbursement”. For your justification for approving official we recommend you state “I found cheaper lodging of my preference off base.”

Our lodging is less expensive than on base! So not only will you be staying in more luxurious lodging, but your squadron will be saving money!

As veterans and military members ourselves, we have plenty of experience filing TDY travel vouchers via DTS. Contact us for help with filing your travel voucher or any questions regarding DTS.

Of course! We have plenty of storage space at the Columbus Hangar. Not only does every room come with a programmable lock on the door, but each room has its own closet space. 

In addition to closet space, there is a spacious pantry where you can store all of your kitchen supplies and food.

If that's still not enough space, we also have plenty of storage in the garages. 

Pets are allowed! We have a $120 refundable deposit that will be returned provided nothing is damaged. We do ask that your pet be comfortable around other guests and their pets. We also ask that pets are house trained and due to the wood floors. There is a large specially designated fenced-in area for pets to play on the back side of the house.

Family and friends are highly encouraged to visit, but please be respectful of others who are also staying at the Columbus Hangar.

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